sys_spec = 4
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 4
sys_spec_Full = 4
sys_spec_GameEffects = 4
sys_spec_MotionBlur = 4
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 4
sys_spec_Particles = 4
sys_spec_Physics = 4
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 4
sys_spec_Shading = 4
sys_spec_Shadows = 4
sys_spec_Sound = 4
sys_spec_Texture = 4
sys_spec_TextureResolution = 4
sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 4
sys_spec_Quality = 4
sys_spec_Water = 4
sys_spec_light = 4
sys_spec_RayTracing = 4
;Lights and Global Illumination
e_DynamicLights = 1
e_StatObjTestOBB = 1
e_GI = 1
e_GIAmount = 0.6
e_GIMaxDistance = 100
e_GIIterations = 32
e_GINumCascades = 1
e_LightVolumes = 1
e_GIGlossyReflections = 1
e_GIMaxDistance = 150
e_GIRSMSize = 512
e_GISecondaryOcclusion = 1
e_Gsm_Cache = 1
r_Beams = 1
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.01
r_BeamsHelpers = 1
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 200
e_Clouds = 1
r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 1
e_ShadowsClouds = 1
e_SkyType = 1
e_SkyUpdateRate = 100
e_SkyQuality = 1
e_SkyBox = 1
e_Sun = 1
r_SunShafts = 2
e_TimeOfDaySpeed = 0.1
r_ColorBits = 32
r_DetailDistance = 20
r_DetailNumLayers = 2
r_DepthBits = 32
r_ColorGrading = 1
r_ColorGradingDof = 1
r_ColorGradingFilters = 1
r_ColorGradingLevels = 1
r_ColorGradingSelectiveColor = 1
r_CloakHeatScale = 0.25
r_CloakLightScale = 0.25
r_TexAnisotropy = 16
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 16
r_TexMinAnisotropy = 16
r_TexSkyResolution = 2
r_TexturesStreamingMipBias = -4
r_TexturesStreamPoolSize = 3072
r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexMaxSize = 80
r_EnvCMResolution = 2
r_EnvTexResolution =
r_TexNoAnisoAlphaTest = 0
r_texturesHighResMips = 2
e_Fog = 1
r_FogShadows = 1
r_FogShadowsWater = 2
r_FogDepthTest = 0
;Foliage, Vegetation and Terrain
e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 125
e_ViewDistRatio = 125
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 125
e_ViewDistMin = 10
e_ViewDistRatioLights = 75
e_TerrainOcclusionCullingVersion = 1
e_PhysFoliage = 2
r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 64
e_VegetationAlphaBlend = 1
e_LodRatio = 40
;Lights and Global Illumination
e_DynamicLights = 1
e_GIGlossyReflections = 1
r_FlareHqShafts = 1
r_Beams = 1
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.01
r_BeamsHelpers = 1
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 200
r_BeamsSoftClip = 0
r_Glow = 1
r_FlareHqShafts = 1
r_Flares = 1
r_FlaresChromaShift = 6
r_FlaresTessellationRatio = 1
r_FlaresIrisShaftMaxPolyNum = 0
r_LightPropagationVolumes = 1
r_DeferredShadingLights = 1
r_DeferredShadingSortLights = 1
r_DeferredShadingSSS = 1
r_DeferredShadingTiledHairQuality = 2
;Anti Aliasing
r_MSAA = 1
r_MSAA_quality = 16
r_MSAA_samples = 16
r_PostMSAA = 1
r_PostMSAAMode = 2
r_AntialiasingMode = 3
r_AntialiasingTAAMode = 4
r_AntialiasingTAAPattern = 4
r_AntialiasingTSAAMipBias = -3
r_AntialiasingTSAASubpixelDetection = 1
r_AntialiasingTSAASmoothness = 0.15
r_AntialiasingTAASharpening = 1
r_AntialiasingModeSCull = 1
r_AntialiasingTAAFalloffHiFreq = 0.5
r_AntialiasingTAAFalloffLowFreq = 0.3
r_AntialiasingTAAPattern = 2
r_UseEdgeAA = 2
r_StencilBits = 8
r_AntialiasingSMAAThreshold = 0.1
r_ShadersDX11 = 1
r_Reflections = 1
q_Quality = 3
q_ShaderFX = 3
q_Renderer = 3
q_ShaderGeneral = 3
q_ShaderGlass = 3
q_ShaderIce = 3
q_ShaderMetal = 3
q_ShaderPostProcess = 3
q_ShaderSky = 3
q_ShaderShadow = 3
q_ShaderTerrain = 3
q_ShaderVegetation = 3
q_ShaderWater = 3
q_ShaderHDR = 3
r_TranspDepthFixup = 1
r_PostProcessEffectsFilters = 1
r_PostProcessEffects = 1
r_PostProcessFilters = 1
r_PostProcessEffectsGameFx = 1
r_PostProcessGameFx = 1
r_PostProcessHUD3D = 1
r_PostProcessHUD3DCache = 1
r_silhouettePOM = 1
r_UsePOM = 1
r_SunShafts = 2
r_CoronaFade = 0.5
r_Coronas = 1
r_CoronaSizeScale = 1
r_CoronaColorScale = 1
r_ColorGradingSelectiveColor = 1
e_Sun = 1
r_RainDropsEffect = 1
r_Rain = 2
r_RainMaxViewDist = 100
r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = 200
r_RainGBuffer = 1
r_ChromaticAberration = 1.5
r_Supersampling = 1.99
r_SupersamplingFilter = 1
r_Sharpening = 5
r_ssdo = 2
r_SSReflections = 3
r_Refraction = 1
r_ssdoAmbientAmount = 1
r_ssdoAmountDirect = 1.5
r_ssdoAmountReflection = 1.5
r_ssdoRadius = 0.3
r_ssdoRadiusMax = 2
r_ssdoRadiusMin = 0.1
e_Shadows = 1
e_ObjShadowCastSpec = 4
e_shadows_debug = 0
e_shadows_from_terrain_in_all_lods = 1
e_shadows_frustums = 0
e_shadows_max_texture_size = 4096
e_shadows_occ_check = 0
e_shadows_slope_bias = -4
e_ShadowsBlendCascades = 1
e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 20
e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatioLights = 0.5
e_shadowsclouds = 1
e_ShadowsConstBiasHQ = 1
e_ShadowsLodBiasFixed = 1
e_ShadowsLodBiasInvis = 3
e_ShadowsMasksLimit = 2
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 4096
e_ShadowsOcclusionCulling = 1
e_ShadowsOnAlphaBlend = 1
e_ShadowsOnWater = 1
e_ShadowsPoolSize = 4096
e_ShadowsResScale = 40
e_ShadowsStaticMapUpdate = 2
e_ShadowsTessellateCascades = 1
e_ShadowsTessellateDLights = 1
e_ShadowsUpdateViewDistRatio = 256
e_volobj_shadow_strength = 0.5
r_DrawNearShadows = 1
r_DrawNearZRange = 1
r_FogShadows = 2
r_FogShadowsWater = 1
r_ShadowBlur = 3
r_ShadowBluriness = 1
r_ShadowGen = 1
r_ShadowGenGS = 1
r_ShadowGenMode = 1
r_ShadowJittering = 2.5
r_ShadowPass = 1
r_ShadowPoolMaxFrames = 0
r_ShadowPoolMaxTimeslicedUpdatesPerFrame = 100
r_ShadowsAdaptionMin = 0.35
r_ShadowsAdaptoinSize = 5
r_ShadowsBias = 1
r_ShadowsCache = 4
r_ShadowsCacheResolutions = 6324
r_ShadowsDeferredMode = 1
r_ShadowsDepthBoundN = 1
r_ShadowsForwardPass = 0
r_ShadowsGridAligned = 1
r_ShadowsMaskDownScale = 0
r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 8192
r_ShadowsNearestMapResolution = 8192
r_ShadowsOfflineCacheQuality = 2
r_ShadowsParticleNormalEffect = 1
r_ShadowsPCFiltering = 1
r_ShadowsSlopeScaleBias = 1.8
r_ShadowsStaticMapResolution = 8192
r_ShadowsStencilPrePass = 1
r_ShadowsUseClipVolume = 1
r_ShadowTexFormat = 0
r_UseShadowsPool = 1
r_VarianceShadowMapBlurAmount = 1
r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist = 32
r_MotionBlurQuality = 2
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 125
r_PostProcessHUD3DCache = 0
;Depth of Field
r_DepthOfField = 2
r_DepthOfFieldDilation = 0
r_DepthOfFieldBokeh = 1
r_DepthOfFieldBokehQuality = 1
r_DrawNearFoV = 60
r_DrawNearZRange = 0.1
cl_fov = 70
r_overrideRefreshRate = 60
ti_UseApiBackedRaytracing = 1
r_MultiThreaded = 1
e_StreamCgfPoolSize = 2048
e_Wind = 1
sys_budget_sysmem = 16384
sys_streaming_CPU = 6
sys_budget_videomem = 6144
r_ShadersDX11 = 1